celebrate recovery
vision & mision
What is Celebrate Recovery (CR)?
CR is a Christ-centered recovery group. It follows a 12-step recovery program that integrates biblical principles to love, heal and educate hurting people. CR helps people overcome their hurts, hang-ups and habits in a safe environment with people who love and support them. Most importantly, they will learn to trust God for their healing so they can experience a closer relationship with the only one who can truly help them understand themselves–Jesus Christ.
Who is CR for?
Anyone who is struggling with life’s hurts, hang-ups or habits, whether Christian or not.
What are hurts, hang-ups and habits?
The “3Hs” can be broadly defined as anything that gets in the way of a fruitful relationship with Christ and others and prevents us from living an overcoming life in Him. They can be deeply interconnected, with habits originating from hang-ups or hurts, or they may be standalone issues. Hurts represent people, places or events from our past (or present) that have left a negative mark on us. It is a wound that still affects us despite our efforts to ignore it or forget it. We may not even know that we have an underlying hurt, since we often repress these feelings as adults or the events surrounding the source were too complex for us to understand.
What are the components of the Program?
- fellowship and food
- teaching and testimonies
- praise and worship
- confidential share/support groups
- step study classes
- chips/tokens to “celebrate” our recoveries
- accountability partners
- sponsorship
- service opportunities in CR
How do I get connected?
If you want to join us you can come by and check us out, there is no commitment. You can also contact us by email: cr@hif.vn
Or stop by and connect with us. We meet on the 23 Dang Thuy Tram (Rohi Coffee) every Thursday for our Celebrate Recovery meeting. Dinner starts at 7:00, followed by our large group discussion at 8:00. At 9:00, we divide up into our gender-specific, open share groups (small groups). If you are looking for more of an in-depth study through the recovery process, other than the Saturday night large groups, you can join a mid-week 12-Step study group. These gender-specific groups go to the heart of the many issues we all face in life. It is essentially the meat and potatoes of the Celebrate Recovery ministry. When you go through the 12-Step Study, the truth of God’s Word will transform your heart, mind, and soul. No longer will the addictions, dysfunction, and compulsiveness be your constant way of life. Sure, you may struggle with them occasionally, but you will learn how to become a new person, someone that you can be proud of.
These 12-Step Study groups are split up into men’s and women’s groups. They are a safe place to share your heart and the things that you currently struggle with along with the pains and hurts from the past. Those who would like to attend a 12-Step Study must also attend CR on Thursday nights.